Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Captain's blog, supplemental:

Has anybody who reads my blog noticed the ads on the side? I suggest clicking on them, because then I can get some money. That was my subliminal message for this post. But the liminal message is that those ads make me laugh. There was one once that said I can become a better creative writer by hypnosis. Don't ask me how that one works. There was also one that said to blog about cancer to be entered in a prize drawing.

Cancer is bad.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Captain's blog, supplemental:

So I just had an awesome moment. I'm currently sitting here at Nu Skin, with very little to do. It's a nice, slow Friday. Anyway, I'm very used to being busy with schoolwork and other things. Lately I've been very stressed out because I had lots to do, and I left it all until the last minute. That's a lot of pressure.

Just now, I felt that same pressure starting to come back. I started running a list of things I need to do through my head. Then I realized what I have to do: NOTHING. I turned in my last assignment of the term this morning. I'm free! Summer's actually started now! But I still have this urge to write something, so here I am. I think I'll make a list of things I'm going to do during my summer break.

1. Go treasure hunting at Topaz Mountain tomorrow. I'm gonna find me some rare gems. Maybe we'll get attacked by some Nazis and have to keep a rare, obscenely powerful artifact from falling into their posession.

2. Grow a goatee. Or at least attempt to. I may not have enough time to get a really good one.

3. Maybe I can beat some kind of video game.

4. Buy a laptop

5. Start writing about important stuff on my currently lackluster blog.

6. Write stuff on my currently lackluster blog period.

7. Hone my lightsaber skills.

8. At some point in early to mid-July I will be re-instating the Police Cop Plan for Global Domination.

9. Start working on my fingerprint custom doorbell (Project Doortone).

10. Find some rich guy to finance Project Doortone.

11. Play some soccer and/or some football

12. Write a novel.

13. Get bitten by a radioactive spider.

14. Defeat Communism

15. And if I have time, go find me a wife.

Yes, summer is looking great!

P.S. If my beloved readers (all three of you) have any more summer fun suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments section.